Unlock your dog's joy!

Corny, I know... but my favourite thing about dogs is unlocking their joy and watching their hearts sing. Watching a dog discover the world, learn new skills, face challenges and succeed is a privilege that comes with sharing your life with a dog.

On a walk, play 'n' train session, your dog and I will head out and about, discover the world and find amazing things. Along the way we will work on engagement and focus, loose lead walking, and polish up those doggie manners. We'll incorporate some basic agility and walk along walls, jump over short fences and up on to park benches to build your dog’s confidence and sense of achievement. For those nervous doggos, we will face up to the scary things in the world and work together to make them seem not so scary.

We can explore your neighbourhood taking advantage of the nearest parks or green spaces or we can have a true adventure! I can pick up your dog and we can explore somewhere new and exciting like Lake Burley Griffin, Curtin Ridge, Mount Ainslie, anywhere we can find some new sights, smells and things to play on - deserted playgrounds are a gold mine!

An in-home play 'n' train session is great for those doggos who are a bit nervous of the outside world. I can build your dog's confidence with new people in a place that is comfortable for them. Play brings out your dog's joy, breaks down the barriers and builds trust. These sessions are also great for dog's who aren't comfortable being left alone and need some company to break up their day.

I also offer these sessions as a great alternative to boarding. Some dogs hate boarding! Strange animals, strange people, strange smells and strange food to upset their tummies. The comfortable surrounds of home might just be the thing!

In addition to a play 'n' train session, I can feed your dog, change their water, and let them out to toilet. I've found that a good rowdy play and some training can keep your dog from missing you too much and falling into some cheeky self-entertaining behaviours like digging, barking, or chewing things they shouldn't be chewing.

I recommend two visits a day – one in the morning and one in the evening – but it is up to you and what you feel would be best for your dog.