Unlock your puppy's potential!

Every puppy parent has heard how important socialisation is in the first few months of your dog’s life. But what does it mean and how do you do it properly?

Although we use the term 'socialisation', it is so much more than introducing your puppy to other people and animals. Proper socialisation is exposing your puppy to the world, showing them that it is a great place full of amazing things and preparing them for the challenges of doghood. The aim is to expose your puppy to a huge variety of things at the right time, and in the right way, while their baby brain is developing.

Before your puppy's vaccinations, I can visit your home to spend time with your puppy and prepare them for doghood using my box of tricks - toys that smell like my adult (and fully vaccinated!) dog, recordings of different potentially scary sounds like thunder, hats, sunglasses, big coats, a fluoro tradie's vest, different surfaces and textures and food puzzles to shape that puppy brain. I’ll work with your puppy to desensitise them to touch – setting them up for a happy relationship with their vet or children who may ‘accidently’ pull on their ears.

After their vaccinations, your puppy and I can graduate to puppy exposure outings. We can explore new novel locations - near shops, near schools, the local cafe - anywhere we can find some new sights, smells and things to play on (deserted playgrounds are a gold mine!). We can even go for a trip in the car and have a true adventure somewhere exciting like Lake Burley Griffin, Curtin Ridge or Mount Ainslie.

This service is a perfect complement to the extremely valuable puppy to puppy socialisation opportunities offered by a good puppy preschool - feel free to ask me for some recommendations.